Brother Rufin (home)

To all the clerics

 All of us who are clerics should be aware of the great sin and ignorance which some people have toward the most holy Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and His most holy written words which consecrate His Body. We know that it cannot become His Body without first being consecrated by His word. For in this world we have and see nothing corporally of the Most High except His Body and Blood, and the words through which we have been made and have been redeemed from death to life.
But let all who administer such holy mysteries—especially those who administer them carelessly—consider the sad state of the chalices, the corporals, and the altar-linens upon which the Body and Blood of our Lord are sacrificed..
And the Body and Blood of the Lord is left by many in dirty places, carried about in a miserable manner, received unworthily, and administered to others without discretion. Even His sacred written words are sometimes left to be trampled underfoot; for the person who does not have the spirit does not perceive the things of God. Are we not moved by a sense of piety concerning all these things, since the good Lord offers Himself into our hands and we handle Him and receive Him daily with our mouth? Or do we forget that we must come into His hands? Well then, let us quickly and firmly amend our ways in these and other matters.
And wherever the most holy Body of our Lord Jesus Christ has been unlawfully housed and neglected, let it be removed from that place and deposited and locked in a precious location. Likewise, wherever the written words of the Lord may be found in unbecoming places, they are to be collected and kept in a place that is becoming. And we know that we are bound to observe all of these matters above all else according to the precepts of the Lord and the constitutions of holy Mother Church. And whoever has not done so, let him know that he will be bound to give an account before our Lord Jesus Christ on the day of judgement. Those who make copies of this writing so that it may be better observed should know that they will be blessed by the Lord God.

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Made by Illustration by Laurent Bidot Translation : Cindy Garitan